2009. 10. 28. 12:08 - rockchalk

Advanced Stats

Hardwood Paroxysm에서 Advanced Stats을 분류별로 잘 정리해놨길래 베껴옴.ㅎ

Composite Score Stats:

Composite Score
Offensive Composite Score
Defensive Composite Score
Offensive Rating
Offensive Plus-Minus
Defensive Rating
Counterpart PER
Defensive Plus-Minus

Shooting Stats:

Close Attempt Percentage (=close attempts/total shot attempts)
Close True Shot Percentage
Midrange and Post Attempt Percentage (=midrange and post attempts/total shot attempts)
Midrange and Post True Shot Percentage
Three-Point Attempt Percentage (=three-point attempts/total shot attempts)
Three-Point True Shot Percentage
Fouled Attempt Percentage (=fouled shot attempts/total shot attempts)
Fouled True Shot Percentage
Assisted Rate (=assisted field goals/total made field goals)

Other Advanced Stats:

True Shot Percentage
Free Throws/Field Goal Attempts
Pure Point Rating
Assist Rate
Turnover Rate
Rebound Rate
Usage Rate